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- Execution on your Construction Site goes on without Complete Plan ?
This is very Common problem in all construction Project. Site Team gets drawings or not, they start Execution with a weeks and or some it may be month planning. Less duration of project is also one of the Reason. To solve this problem, we need to go for Top to Bottom Approach. First we need to make a Master Plan and than you need to make a integrated plan of Execution for each package and each division linked to master plan. In this way you are always intact with you Final Goal and you take decisions on the basis of your impact on your Bigger Goals. Eventually it gets Specific solution is provided on email.
- Requirement of Drawings comes anytime, not as per contract ?
This seems to be a General Problem because of Construction Linked payment contract. A solution for this is a Design and Procurement Plan and a Good for construction schedule. Both of this at right time can solve all this issues, details can be explored in mail provided to you.
- Alignment of Customers and Vendors as per Plan and your Design ?
Since construction is a job of coordination where many stakeholders are involved so it is very important all stakeholders including customers should be aligned as per Plan and Type of design finalized. Many a times you introduce new Items into building for which other teams are not aware or Client changes design after execution starts at project. For this, We need to Generate Design & Procurement Schedule, a Mock up (Sample Approval ) Plan, Lead Items list and GFC Plan. All this integrated plans can solve this problem very easily.