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- Contract Award at Higher Rates ?
This issue can be solved by Doing Procurement on BOQ Rate basis. You can issue tender and ask 5 vendors to quote for your project. Pre-qualification, Technical Negotiation and Commercial Negotiation can save you from Contract Award at High Rates. Specific solution is provided on email.
- Tracking of Contractors’ Performance?
Contractors’ work is based on Material, Labours and Plant & Machinery. Systems like Inventory Management, Productivity Calculation, Vendor Invoicing and Number of Issue management can help in proper tracking. Before that you need to make a proper baseline, against which you can track which you can explore more in mail provided to you.
- No idea of Optimized Sequence of work ?
Construction is a job which demands proper sequencing of work and than coordination to leverage that sequence for optimization of work. Creating different sub plans for Procurement, Execution, Laison and Design from One Master plan is a challenge but when you have all that you can save time by optimizing that sequence which you can explore more in mail provided to you.